If you have a document (DOC) file and you need to turn it into an uneditable image file that is small and easy to email (like JPEG), DOC to Image(Jpeg/Jpg/Tiff/Bmp/Eps/Ps) Converter makes it easy! Convert your .doc file to .jpeg by one click!
DOC to Image(Jpeg/Jpg/Tiff/Bmp/Eps/Ps) Converter is the fast, easiest way to convert word DOC, RTF to professional-quality Jpeg/Jpg/Tiff/Bmp/Eps/Ps files file format. Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create Jpeg/Jpg/Tiff/Bmp/Eps/Ps files by simply click the "Save as Image" button from MS Word, creating documents which can be viewed on any computer with a image viewer.